Our Causes

We are lucky to be able to do what we love!

But there are those who are not so lucky and as we know, luck can change at any time...

So we help by offering support where we can. We donate 10% of our profits to charities close to our heart doing a great job looking after people and our planet.

Beyond Blue

Our "MIND" charity - is an Australian mental health organisation supporting those affected by anxiety, depression and suicide.

One in eight Australians consider suicide at some point in their lives.

Beyond Blue helps people find a way through.

 The Leukaemia Foundation

The Leukaemia Foundation

Our "BODY" charity - is an Australian national charity dedicated to supporting and caring for those with blood cancer through education, treatment and research. We have experienced the loss of loved ones to blood cancers and so this charity is a bit personal for us.

Earthwatch Australia

Earthwatch Australia

Our "SOUL" charity - is a global environmental charity empowering people to take action to keep ahead of climate change, save the reef and oceans, restore iconic landscapes and protect unique wildlife. As we say, we don’t have Plan(et) B so we all need to do our bit to protect and preserve the one we have!

How it works

Your vote counts - when you place your order you can choose to donate to any of our charities, no matter which coffee you buy.

We will calculate the ratio of votes for each charity and then split the 10% of our profits as a donation (this will of course be verified by our accountants who do the number crunching - we do the coffee!).

This is our promise.